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Friday, April 24, 2009

三つの質問 「Three Questions」           -Leo Tolstoy「ロシア人「War&Peace の筆者」

1. いちばん適切な時間がいつか?
2. 誰がいちばん大事な人ですか?
3. もっとも適切な活動はなんですか?
いちばんの質問を答えは -「計画を書いて守った方がいい。」、ほかの人は逆で答えました「前に予定するとだめですよ。注意深く二順番もちゃんと考えたらいい。」。「もう一人 賢い人たちグルップを作ったほうがいい」と言いました。前から予定するために魔法使うことも考えたひとがありました。
皇帝も疲れちゃったから、もうすぐ寝ました.おきるともう太陽が出て来ました。その知らない人を見ると、その人は「許して下さい」と言いました。「先生、あなたは私を知りませn。前の戦争で弟を殺して、家族の土地没収しまいましたから、私はあなたの敵になりました。山であなたは一人で行ったと聞いて 復讐のいい機械があると考えて、私は山へ来ます。だけどあなたの従者は認めて怪我をさせました。でも、あなたは私の身を守るをどうもありがとう。私の悪いつもりを許してください。今から私はあなたの友人になる」と感動的にいいました。

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Competition mania!!!!!

How much do we remain individuals even when we claim to focus on ‘I am what I am’. Actually the ambitions of the youth or of the society per se is fixed and little do we get to ponder over what we really want from our lives. Looking at the situation we long for things and forget to introspect what is that gives us satisfaction or what is it that I really want.
‘Sekai no hitotsu dake no hana’ is a Japanese song that emphasizes that in the world we are all different like flowers gathered in a bucket. And, if the flowers can remain different and happy yet together ,why can’t we as humans do so? Why do we put such a fight to get the top position when all of are No.1 in our own ways.
I remember having asked ‘Balaji Sampath’ if all competitions are bad, actually competition makes us grow, makes us work harder to achieve something……..and I repeatedly think of his awesome answer “There are two kinds of competions. One positive and the other negative. When we compete with others it’s a negative competition whereas competition with oneself in order to each time be better than the last in our efforts, makes us really grow.” I believe this. Just because my friend or my enemy has a better grade, position or belongings, I cannot be motivated for an honest and sincere effort. It would be like leading a life ignoring oneself…..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well!! Leaving aside the railway expresses, how expressive n express-kinds [fast] should we b in giving our thoughts some words. There are two extreme ends here: one, that lets even the thoughts b suppressed and unknown to oneself while on the other hand every small thought reaches a listener spontaneously. The problems of both are unique but similar….inexpressiveness or say miscommunication.

Silence is not golden always. It can be the perpetrator of a cold war. It communicates lots even without talking and leaves the person on the other side of the communication very skeptical. Is it wise enough to take the risk of urself being interpreted as something different?

Over-expressiveness is equally dangerous. How would a listener judge when you are earnestly expressing something rare if every time you are equally babbling your emotions or thoughts? Not good for the speaker even. If one is used to express everything as a perfectionist what will happen to the situations where all the languages fail in expressing?

Just a combination of two extremes and putting it in one heading ‘moderate expressiveness’ doesn’t work either. Here is the role of a sound presence of minds with the disguise of the normal habit of conversing.

But listen……expressing just happens if you really mean it and the person/people around you know you well. Of course, there are misinterpretations but one can always go back and change one’s words or clarify better when it comes to spoken expressions.

What about written ones? My diaries do not have the perfect language to express my feelings but they have the power to take me back to those lost days….. A formal written document cannot make this happen much in the same way, they are quite fixed and perfect in their words and style though.

The more difficult is still in the pipeline, the one in which you alone are the speaker and the listener at one go. Wondering? Don’t we think and at times talk to ourselves in a language? It doesn’t have the challenge of being exact or even of changing the implications or the idea altogether. It is actually a tough task of playing a double role in a very effective way, effective enough to soothe or direct [or things like that] oneself.

Personally feel if we have a silent listener like nature, this dialogue with oneself sails quite smooth n turns out to b quite fruitful.

Friday, April 3, 2009

सुन के महत्ता

कखनो कखनो कह परई छई कनी हमरो सुनु । बाज के दुनिया भइर के आदत अइछ, सुनबला कमे हैता । सबगोटा के अप्पन राम कहानी , अपन हर्स अपन विसादो मुदा दोसरो के संगे किच्छो भ रहल अइछ एकर कमे चिनता कैल जाई अई ।
तइयो अइस पैग दुखक गैप छई चिंता नई रहैतो चिंता के ढोंग कैनाइ। एकर किछ ख़ास कारन नई होईअ । सामाजिक चेहरा बचाव के प्रयास, नई ता होईअ रिसता बचाव के कोसिस। मुदा दुनु दिसे कनिके सही लेकिन एक टा मित्रक संवेदनाक के कमी खलईअ , चाहे ओ कोनो सम्बन्ध होए परस्पर भवनक बुझने -सूझने बिना सौहाद्रपूर्ण ओकरा निभैनाई कठिने नई असंभव जका बुझाई छई।
जे अगर सुनबो केलऊँ गप त अपने राग में एकटा सुझाव टैंक देनाई नई त रोब गाइँठ क समस्या से बिसरिए जाय के अपेक्षा केनाई त हमर सबक बेसीतर पारिवारिक मनमुटाव के जड़ अइछ ।
से बुझि लिअ, जे अपन सुनाब चाहई छि त दोसरो के सुन के अभ्यास कर पड़त। अंग्रेजी के फकरा जकां गप अई की "इफ यु नीड अ फ्रेंड ,यु नीड टु बिकम वन" ।