The age old discipline division of arts, commerce and science (just an alphabetical order] goes on n on.....
In minds of the parents of the school kids, who are make this choice, the bias for a so-called successful living being dependent on this choice is still relevant. It is only the beginning or just one of the predominant practices of the society (not refuting the fact that things are of late changing for good).
Other instance, I particularly noticed was a mention in a leading newspaper, of supporting of such a bias or may be just being satirical of the idea that people from a particular discipline are meant to be sluggish in their work.Can you take a guess which discipline or stream(another term used in the schools)was being talked about?
hmmm! It was 'arts' ---- also called Humanities and Social Sciences...
Claiming oneself to be on the way of becoming an artist, scientist or an entrepreneur fr that matter doesn't help the streams. actually we need some great help in this noble pretext of living our lives...
I'll tell you how...
We know the importance of all the fields of study is not measured in a hierarchical fashion. Application of some knowledge or training can be more rewarding professionally and monetarily, hence one field can be more in fashion...
But when the 'body' of knowledge needs a holistic or at least a fair account, where does 'hands' become more important than the 'ears'. Don't they have their functions incomparably significant?
Well! the other two dire needs for such a help are:
One, better and broader minds to comprehend the interlinking, influencing, over-lapping or far-fetched connections between the disciplines. For example, Mathematics and Statistics feature as a subject of relevance in all the three streams to the extent that these subjects are taught to an honors student from all the three streams.
Philosophy is a fundamental discipline, it means all the areas of study have roots in it...if it does not concern one's work or research work doesn't mean it is not so.
Two, again a better and broader mind to respect all the fields of study equally. It sounds like a feud between majority and minority population. Minority always complains for being victimized and majority will never accept it with whole heart in the fear of losing or sharing some taken for granted privileges.
This is not a case of majority-minority issue. It does not demand an application of the fundaes of egalitarian society either. It just needs an open mind to respect the difference in the line of thought of a fellow field of study or a student pursuing it, which may not be of ineterst to everyone but is no inferior to any of the others nor is it
typically intolerable...................